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Saturday, August 15, 2009

As I travel around the country I take a lot of photos. not quite knowing which ones will stimulate me later. This is a New England scene that intrigued me .

Beautiful reflections in the water, red barns with broken angles, fall color in the leaves around the setting.

Problem was, with so much going on what should the impact of the painting be. So I worked out some small sketches, moved some things around, developed some strong diagonals with reflections and darks... pushed the buildings up to where they were higher in the painting and then went to work.

Nature is so busy that you should leave most of it out and treat it with shape, value and hue. This painting is somewhat recognizable to the photo but the photo was only a reference.

Stay loose and save the "Hot Licks" for the finish.

What do you think?

Talk to you tomorrow,


Friday, August 14, 2009

I have decided to start a blog on "How to become a better artist".

I have never done a blog before.

I've been an artist for over 50 years. Like many of you I have highs and lows and many frustrations. I have painted some great pieces and also have drawers full of clunkers.

The secret is is to know which are the clunkers.

In my workshops with 10 to 15 students I always ask the question, how do you like it.
And most often they don't know.

This blog is to guide you through the process of creativity... things to do and don't do...
how to face a white piece of paper, canvas or any other creative process.

My experience I will share with you. I don't have all the answers but we'll find out those we don't.

Remember, money is not the way to measure your success as an artist. There are lots of people using warm little fuzzy ideas that sell. Her today gone tomorrow. You can make a living just painting cats and dogs.

Who are you and what do think,
Lets talk tomorrow.
